Conference 2004 Speaker Biographies

Douglas Brooks, MSc
Douglas, who holds a Master’s Degree in exercise physiology, is the author of six books, including the best selling Going Solo - The Art of Personal Training and Program Design for Personal Trainers Bridging Theory Into Application. His latest books in print are, Your Personal Trainer which is being sold in book stores nation-wide, The Complete Book of Personal Training, Effective Strength Training and BOSU: Integrated Balance Training. He conducts lectures and workshops on exercise physioogy, kinesology, strength training, and personal training internationally. Douglas is the consulting exercise physiologist for product research and development for several fitness companies, and is currently the Head Physiologist/Strength & Conditioning Coach for Mammoth Mountain Ski and Snowboard Team (MMSST) in California. A personal trainer for 18 years and counting. Douglas is no stranger to video and TV production. He as been the featured talent in over 20 videos. Douglas regulary appears on cable television as a fitness expert, and the Health Club Cable Network. His Airofit™ infomercial ran #1 in the 1997 national cable rankings. Viewing audiences during these live and aped appearaces can exceed 7 million. He recommends and endorses fitness products that are scientifically proven and deliver the results that he promises. His counsel and input is sought on an international basis. He currently serves on the advisory boards of Sweden’s and Belgium’s most respected training and educational organizations. Douglas serves as vice president of the International Spoprts Trainers Association (ISTA) based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was named ISTA’s Trainer of the Year in 2002.

Paul Aspinall, BPE, CPTN-CPT
Paul is the Director of Personal Training for Mayfair Racquet and Fitness Clubs, is a CPTN Certified Personal Trainer, CPTN Practical Assessor, and Course Conductor. He currently teaches Program Design at Seneca College and lectures at various corporations and facilities in Toronto. His educational background includes a degree in Physical Education with a major in Athletic Therapy, and a diploma in Fitness and Lifestyle Management from George Brown College. For more information, please visit

Jeff Boris, BPHE, CPTN-CPT
Jeff is the Education Coordinator for the Canadian Centre for Active Aging (CCAA) in London Ontario. Concurrently, he is the owner and operator of The Wellness Source, an international personal and corporate wellness business, CPTN Practical Assessor, CPTN Course Conductor, CPTN Certification Coordinator and Editor of the CPTN e-News. Jeff continues to contribute to the professional development of the fitness industry and is dedicated tohelping other business professionals build successful businesses and create a life of balance.
Jill Batura, BPHE, CPTN-CPT
Jill is the Assistant Program Manager at the Faculty of Physical Education and Health. She supervises the dance, movement and fitness class programs at the University of Toronto Athletic Centre, presents leadership workshops and teaches a cocurricular course titled Anatomy Energy for Vitality. Jill completed her Bachelor of Physical and Health Education at the University of Toronto. She is a certified fitness, Nia and Pilates instructor with extensive training in various forms of dance and yoga. For more information, please visit

Janet Davis, BSc PT, MCPA
Janet is the owner and operator of Club Physio Plus, a sports physiotherapy clicnic in Mississauga. She has her sports certificate form the Sports Physiotherapy Division and treats athletes at the provincial, national, and international level in various sports. She is also a STOTT certified Pilates instructor and has her own studio called Body Sculpting Pilates. The studio servies the rehab client right up to the elite athlete trying to enhance performance. With her involvement as a clicnical tutor at Universitoy of Toronto and McMaster University and lecturing for various affiliations, education to prevent injury and enhance performance has become one of her marjor lifetime goals. She is a consutant for the CPTN Golf Condition Course, the CPTN Pilates Level 2 Certification Course and the Post-Rehabilation Coruse - Spine Component.

Dixie Douville, BSc
A member of the Spinning® Master Instructor Team and certified fitness professional for 18 years, Dixie is well recognized for her knowledge in the areas of heart rate training and special populations. She is a continuing education specialist, is a certified Pilates instructor with the Powerhouse Institute and a USA Track and Field Level 1 certified coach. An avid runner, she has completed several marathons and multi-sport events. Currently, Dixie practices as the coordinator for community based cardiac rehabiliation for hospital in New Jersey, co-ordinates the Spining program for Xercise in Chester, NJ and works as a school nurse for the Mt. Olive NJ school district.

Michael Carrera, MSc
Michael is the Vice-President of Exercise Planning and Development with Truestar Health. As an established health and lifestyle expert, Michael has fitness tested and trained elite athletes including national level swimmers and professional hockey players. He has presented across North America and has written numerous articles, chapters and manuals in the areas of fitness, health and sports conditioning. Michael collaborated with Tudor Bompa to establish certification and education courses for professional health and fitness practitioners. For more information, please visit

Lucinda Christian, BPE, CPTN-CPT
A member of the Spinning™ Master Instructor Team and a certified fitness professional for over 14 years, Lucinda is recognized worldwide for her specialization in mind-body training and fitness program management administration skills. She held the position of Education Program Manager for Mad Dogg Athletics Inc for three years and is currently enjoying her role of Fitness Management Consultant and Coach. Lucinda holds an Honours Bachelor of Physical Education, is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Professional Fitness & Lifestyle Consultant. She is currently working towards completing her Masters in Sports Psychology.

Maureen Connolly, PhD, CPTN-CPT
Maureen is a professor in Physical Education at Brock University. She is a CPTN Certified Personal Trainer, CPTN Practical Assessor, CPTN Course Conductor, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a member of the CPTN Advisor Council. Her research and teaching interests include disability and chronic conditions, Nia, conditioning training, bodybuilding and body core training.

Susan is the President of the Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN) and has facilitated the Certifications for CPTN Personal Trainer, Pilates Mat and Ballwork, Post-Rehabilitation Conditioning, Golf Conditioning and Nutrition. As a CPTN Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Pilates Teacher, and Thai Bodywork Practitioner, she specializes in post-rehabilitation training, sport specific conditioning, and active aging. She is the co-author of Business Strategies for Personal Training, and a new book and online course entitled Start Your Fitness Business.

Libby Norris, BA
Libby is a Rebook Master Trainer, national and internationla presenter. Libby holds a degree form Wilfred Laurier University in Communications and Physical Education. Libby runs her own consultating company in corporate health and fitness, is on the advisory boards for FitDV and for the Humber College Lifestyle Managemetn Program. Libby is the conditioning coach for the Brampton Blazes Midget Fast Pitch team and works with many of Canada’s women’s fast pitch team members.

Sheldon Persad, BPE, CSCS, CPTN-CPT
Sheldon is a co-owner of Personal Best Health & Performance Inc. Sheldons’ experience includes being the coach to athletes from a variety of sports who have competed at several major international competitions including the Olympics. Sheldon is proud to be a co-founder of the CPTN and is a Course Conductor for Practical Assessors. He has recently co-authored another book, which will be released in conjunction with an online course through Human Kinetics. For more information, please visit

Barrie Shepley, BPE
Barrie is one of Canadian sport’s most interesting individuals. He has combined his talents as a coach, motivator and businessman to develop the sport of triathalon across the country. Not only has Barrie coached the Canadian National Triathlon Team for 10 years, but he also led the Canadian Team to a gold medal performance at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games as Canada’s Olympic Team Coach. He has become known as “the voice of triathlon” as he announces triathlon races all over the world and is a featured commentator for triathlon on CBC. For more information, please visit

Jay Tabac, BSc
Jay holds a Bacheol of Science in Exercise Sciences from Concordia University, specializing in Athletic Therapy. he is certified as a Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultatnt, and is the Bally Total Fitness Personal Training Supervisor for Toronto and Up State New York. He manages 11 clubs for Bally Total Fitness.

Ruth Vesterback, MA, BSc
Ruth is a Reebok Master Trainer, national and international and international presenter. Ruth holds a degree in Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies, as well as a Masters in Administrative Education. Ruth is a Regional Exercise Director with a major fitness chain. Ruth trains and coaches soccer, and also conducts dry-land training for hockey.