Conference 2017 Speaker Biographies

Marian Barnick, BSc, RKin, CWCE
Marian Barnick is a Registered Kinesiologist with 25 years’ experience in clinical, evaluative, and rehabilitative settings. Marian began her practice in rehab, and expanded her education and experience into evaluation parameters working with insurers, employers, and law firms. She works in the areas of return to work, performance athletics, and chronic illness. Her work with Sunnybrook’s Odette Centre and commencement of their adjuvant exercise treatment protocols in 2006 enhanced Marian’s passion and desire within the field of exercise and cancer, and she continues in her development of peer-reviewed, research-based protocols to enhance the patient experience and improve physical and functional health.

Alicia Brown, BA, CPTN-CPT, Olympian
Alicia Brown is a 2016 Olympian, a 2013 Universiade Silver Medalist and a Personal Trainer. She was also the Ontario University Athletics women’s track MVP for the University of Toronto. Alicia has a self-motivated attitude that is common among high achieving athletes and she spends most of her off hours inspiring others to push forward.

Nelson Bolarinho, BASc, CPT
Nelson Bolarinho is a 10 year veteran of the fitness industry that caters to clients from a variety of needs including weight management, strength training, athletic development and various special populations such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson‖s Disease and Autism. His personal development and training over the last five years has a more focused approach in the sport of Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). Racing in over 30 OCRs in the past 5 years, and having completed multiple Tough Mudder events, achieving a Spartan Race Trifecta Medal (having completed all three of their signature races in a single season) and competing this past season at the OCR World Championships, The “Spartan Spider” (as he is known as in the OCR community) is no stranger to the layout, programming and all aspects of obstacle course races, and how to coach and prepare those who are looking start one for the first time or excel as an athlete in the sport.

John Paul Catanzaro, BSc, CEP
John Paul Catanzaro owns and operates a private facility in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada providing training and nutritional consulting services. He has authored several books and video presentations that have been featured in magazines and endorsed by many leading experts. For more information, please visit

Judy Chu is a 30-year veteran of the Senior Fitness and Health Industry. She conducts exercise classes for people with chronic conditions (arthritis, stroke survivors, osteoporosis, diabetes, auditory/visually impaired, joint replacement). Presently, she is completing her Master in Education, Adult Education and Community Development with a collaborative program on Aging and the Life Course.

Eric Cobb, DC, BSc
Eric Cobb, a chiropractic physician and the creator of the Z-Health Performance system, is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost experts in utilizing the neurology of movement to create rapid, positive changes in fitness and performance. His specialty is bringing emerging neuroscience and neuroplasticity research into the rehab, fitness, and performance environments. Cobb is a lifelong martial artist and combatives trainer with deep ties to the military and law enforcement communities where he provides consulting and hands-on training services to increase fitness and performance for specialized units. For more information, please visit

Johnathan Goodman, BKin, CSCS
Jonathan Goodman is the creator of the Personal Trainer Development Center. He is also the author of Ignite the Fire: The Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training Career and creator of the Online Trainer Academy. For more information, please visit

Brian Grasso, PhD, Dipl Fitness Management
Brian Grasso is the Founder and former CEO for the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA) and former CEO for the Mindset Performance Institute. For 18 years, he worked as a Performance Coach with Olympic, professional and National Team athletes from around the world as well as more than 20,000 young athletes through his long-term athlete development model. For his unique and inspiring work in the fitness industry, Brian has been featured in media outlets such as Newsweek, The New York Times, ESPN and ABC News.

Heather Harrison, MEd, BKin, NCCP Certified, CPTN-CPT.M
Heather Harrison is a Professor within the Fitness and Health Promotion programs at both Durham and George Brown Colleges. For the last eight years, she has been infusing the powerful Choice Theory ideas into her coaching and teaching; in so doing, she has supported clients and students to reach new levels of self-evaluation and subsequent behaviour change to bring them closer to what they want out of life and health. For more information, please visit

Karsten Jensen, MSc, CPTN-CPT.M
A periodization coach and expert, Karsten Jensen has helped world-class and Olympic athletes from 26 different sports since 1993. Many of his athletes have won Olympic medals, European Championships, World Championships and ATP Tournaments. Karsten is the first strength coach to create a complete system of periodization, The Flexible Periodization Method – the first complete method of periodization dedicated to holistic, individualized and periodized (H.I.P.) training programs. For more information, please visit

Angela Jervis-Read, BA, E-RYT 500
Known as a pain specialist, Angela Jervis-Read’s intuitive nature fuels her ability to manipulate the relationship between mind and body. She holds a private practice in Toronto, where she works one-on-one with people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries, and other mental and physical discomforts. Sought out by studios around the globe, Angela leads international teacher trainings, retreats, and workshops in both the yin and vinyasa traditions. She contributes to health and wellness magazines, has appeared on national television networks, speaks at conferences, and is currently completing her first book. For more information, please visit

Ken Kinakin, DC, CSCS
Ken Kinakin has competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for over 30 years, and regularly lectures across Canada, the United States, and Europe to doctors and personal trainers on weight-training, rehabilitation, and nutrition. He is the author of Optimal Muscle Training and is the founder of the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists (SWIS). For more information, please visit

Pamela Knight, Dipl Fitness Management, CYT, CPI
Pamela Knight is a seasoned fitness veteran with over 20 years of experience. She incorporates Eastern and Western approaches in her teaching to guide others to explore their personal connection with their mind, body, and soul. Her deep understanding of the body allows her to teach a profoundly simple yet effective system that helps students zero in on critical points of movement to restore healthy ranges of motion while maintaining stability. For more information, please visit

Kennedy Lodato, CPT
Kennedy Lodato is a 25-year fitness veteran, educator, and Master trainer for various companies along with TriggerPoint Performance Therapy. He is also a co-founder and Director of Live Education for Canadian Fitness Education Alliance-Canadian distributors for TriggerPoint and COREFX live education. For more information, please visit

Ross O’Donnell, BA, CPT
Ross O’Donnell is president of Fitness Kickboxing Canada Inc. (FKCI) and oversees operation of its certifications programs and CEC courses across Canada. He is an international fitness and martial arts presenter, a fitness columnist with over 300 published articles and 15 instructor-training manuals to his credit, and author of The Ultimate Fitness Boxing & Kickboxing Workout. Among the many leadership roles he plays, Ross is also a professional MMA coach. For more information, please visit

Jodi Robinson, BSc, RD, CDE
Jodi Robinson is a consulting dietitian and fitness professional who operates her business, Craving Health Dietitian & Wellness Services, in the Niagara region. She specializes in helping busy people find simple and realistic healthy lifestyle solutions with an emphasis on nutrition for weight management, physical activity, disordered eating, and diabetes. As well, Jodi teaches nutrition to fitness students at Humber College, and regularly consults with media and the food industry. For more information, please visit

Nick Tumminello, CPT
Nick Tumminello is the 2016 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year and the owner of Performance University International, which provides practical fitness education for fitness professionals worldwide. He is the author of Strength Training for Fat Loss and Building Muscle and Performance, and has produced 15+ DVDs. For more information, please visit

Alwyn Wong, DC, BSc
Alwyn Wong has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. As author of The Kick Acid Diet®, he has provided nutritional services for individuals and teams, focusing on long-term fat loss and improved athletic performance. Clinically, he has combined his experience with professional athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts with the latest in scientific research to present a non-biased view of health and performance.