The Art & Science of Personal Training - Intensive

Important: Please read the CPTN-CPT Getting Started Guidelines to learn about its relationship to this course.


The Art & Science of Personal Training workshop is designed for those interested in becoming a Personal Trainer but not sure where to start or candidates who have what it takes to be a good trainer but lack the science-based education behind the training techniques. This 32-hour beginner level course is held over 2 weekends and covers the essentials required for the theory and practical components of the CPTN Personal Trainer Certification.

Topics Covered

Required Texts

Note: Participants are expected to have read a portion of the manual before the start of the first live workshop class.

Recommended Texts


  • Notebooks, pen, pencil, paper, etc…

Note: Participants do not require First Aid or CPR training to attend this live workshop. Candidates pursuing the CPTN-CPT certification are required to obtain current First Aid and CPR certification before their certificates can be issued.
